Voter registration
Registration weekend is 26 and 27 January 2019.
Voting is from
Registered Voters
Registered voters, you can check your registration status online. Find your voting station on www.elections.org.za/regweekend
- Enter your 13-digit SA ID number
- Enter the verification code
You can change your address online:
- Register on www.elections.org.za/MyIEC
- Change your address (It takes a while for the address change to reflect.
First-time voters must register at one of the voting stations. You can vote if:
- you are
a South African citizens - aged 16 and older and
- have an official ID document
Find a voting station
Click here to find the closest voting station to you: maps.elections.org.za/vsfinder
NOTE: You can only vote if you have turned 18 on voting day
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